» Notable gravesites
adronia Cemetery is the final resting place for over 5400 individuals. Some persons were widely known while only family and friends knew others, but each life story constitutes a part of the rich history of Saratoga. Here are a few of the notable individuals interred in Madronia Cemetery.
Mary Ann Day Brown

Second wife of the Abolitionist John Brown, known for his 1859 raid on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. John Brown was convicted of murder and treason and was subsequently hanged. Two of their children, Sarah Brown and Ellen Brown Fablinger, are buried nearby, as are other family members, including the Fablingers, the Swanes, and the Scotts.
Riley Septimus Moultrie
One of the heroes of the “First Relief” expedition which was responsible for rescuing surviving members of the ill-fated Donner Party in February of 1847.
Otis Blabon
A participant in the Santa Clara County “Settlers War” of 1861, a dispute over the ownership of Rancho Yerba Buena. Settlers and supporters staged an armed demonstration. Blabon transported the community cannon loaded with scrap metal and ready for action to the demonstration site in downtown San Jose. Fortunately the cannon was not brought into action.
Sam Cloud
Owner of a general store at the corner of Third Street and Big Basin Way and a barn behind that property. The barn was recently restored and it won the
2008 Sustainable Building of the Year award.
Reverend Edwin Sidney “Everlasting Sunshine” Williams
Founder of the Saratoga Blossom Festival which was first held in 1900, and for 41 years attracted visitors from throughout Central California. He was also one of the original members of Sempervirens Club which proposed that Big Basin become a State Park.
Painless Parker (Edgar)
Flamboyant dentist who drove around with a dentist chair mounted on a flatbed truck accompanied by a band and circus performers. He yanked teeth at curbside while offering $5.00 to anyone who felt pain.
Augustus T. Dowd
Credited with the discovery of the Calaveras grove of Big Trees near Murphys, California.
Frank Joseph Dorsa, Sr.
Co-founder of Eggo Food Products. His inventions include an automatic, continuous potato peeler and a machine that could make thousands of waffles an hour.
Mark Bingham
Died Sept. 11, 2001, in Stoneycreek Township, Pennsylvania. Bingham was a passenger on Flight 93, and is believed to be one of those who rushed the cockpit and forced the plane down before it could reach its intended target.
William Thomas Kinkade III
Artist. Died April 6, 2012, in Monte Sereno, California. The self-described "Painter of Light" produced sentimental scenes of country gardens and pastoral landscapes that were beloved by many.